You only need a couple things to play The Candy Game:
Have everyone sit at the table. If you have too many people to fit at a table, have everyone sit in a circle on the floor. Place all of the candies in the middle of the table (or circle) and give each person a lunch sack.
Round One
To begin the game, the first person rolls one die. If they roll a one or a six, they get to grab a candy from the pile in the middle and hide it inside their sack. If they don’t roll a one or six, they pass the die to the next person. Keep passing the die clockwise, with each person rolling it once, until all the candies have been taken from the middle and placed inside people’s sacks. That’s the end of round one. (Remember to pay attention during round one – you want to keep track of your favorite candy bars because you’ll need to know who is holding them in order to steal them in round two!)
Round Two
Round Two is where things get exciting – it’s the “steal” round. At this point all the candies are hidden inside people’s lunch sacks, so you can’t see what anyone else has. Set a timer for as long as you’d like the round to last, and start playing again. This time if you roll a one or six, you can steal a candy bar from someone else. BUT you have to ask a specific person for a specific candy that you think they have in their sack. If they have that candy, they have to give it to you. But if they don’t have the candy you asked for, you’re out of luck until it’s your turn to roll again. This means you have to keep track of who has your favorites at the end of round one AND who is stealing the ones you want in round two. Roll and pass the die as quickly as possible in round two so you have plenty of chances to steal back your favorite candy. When the timer goes off, whatever you have in your own sack is yours to keep! How long you set the timer for in round two is determined by how many people are playing. If you only have 4-5 people playing, 5 minutes is generally plenty of time. But if you have 20+ people playing, you may want to set the timer for 15 minutes to give everyone plenty of chances to steal the candy. If you have a large group, you can also play with two dice, starting them on opposite sides of the circle. That means two people will be rolling and potentially stealing at once, which makes it even harder to keep track of where the candy is ending up.